Appointment of CSG Research Associates

The Scientific Council of the Grothendieck Institute is glad to announce the appointment of seven Research Associates to the Centre for Grothendieckian Studies (CSG), a research pole dedicated to the enhancement of Alexander Grothendieck’s scientific and cultural legacy, and to the dissemination of his work in the academic community and among the general public: Charles Alunni, Myriam Anissimov Wilgowicz, Benjamin Collas, John Alexander Cruz Morales, Jean-Pierre Marquis, Colin McLarty and Frédéric Patras.

Coming from a rich variety of academic backgrounds and areas of expertise relevant to modern Grothendieckian studies, these eminent scholars ensure a wide representativeness of the various themes approached by Grothendieck in his personal and intellectual journey, enabling the Centre to develop a plurality of projects in a synergic way and at the highest level of scientific excellence.

Il n’y a pas de “mot de la fin”, pas de “conclusions” dans Récoltes et Semailles, pas plus qu’il n’y en a dans ma vie, ou dans la tienne. Il y a un vin, vieilli pendant une vie dans les fûts de mon être. Le dernier verre que tu boiras ne sera pas meilleur que le premier ou que le centième. Ils sont tous “le même”, et ils sont tous différents.

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the death of the great mathematician Alexander Grothendieck, occurred on 13 November 2014, the Grothendieck Institute organises a commemorative conference in his honour.

The event will be held online on Saturday the 16th of November 2024, from 2 to 6 p.m. CET, and will feature as speakers the Coordinator of the Institute’s Centre for Grothendieckian Studies (CSG), Prof. Fernando Zalamea, one of the world’s leading experts on the mathematical and philosophical work of A. Grothendieck, and Mateo Carmona, Archivist and Manager of the CSG website.

In the second part of the meeting, Prof. Olivia Caramello, President of the Institute, will receive the testimonies of four scholars who have known Grothendieck personally, and who will share their memories and evoke his intellectual heritage: Christian Escriva, Dominique Lepetz, Jean Malgoire and Marc Tettiravou. Interviews will be conducted in French, with simultaneous translation available in several languages.